Welcome to Knight – Bolt Action and Safety System
Hello everyone! We here at Knight hope you all had a great 2015 season! Let’s kick off the new year right with a new entry to our Welcome to Knight Series! In this one we will be discussing the bolt action and its corresponding safety systems.
The bolt action has been designed for easy removal and breakdown for easy cleaning of internal and external surfaces. The rifle also features a removable breech plug, making it easier to clean the bore thoroughly from one end to the other. The design also allows you to unload the rifle without firing by pushing unfired powder and/or bullet out the back of the barrel with the ramrod.
The bolt action functions by lifting the handle and pulling back slightly to expose the priming port at the face of the bolt. This also cocks the hammer. To prime the rifle with a 209 primer, press the primer flush into the Full Plastic Jacket™ (DISC). Insert the Full Plastic Jacket™ in to receiver. When the bolt handle is pushed forward and down, it is formed over the primer and nipple. Full Plastic Jackets are not designed for reuse.
Patented Double Safety System
The trigger safety is located on the right side of the trigger. When the safety is pulled to the rear, it is in the safe position. This locks the trigger so that the hammer will not release. When the safety is pushed forward, it is in the fire position and the hammer will release if the trigger is pulled.
The secondary safety is located on the rear of the hammer or bolt. This safety is activated by turning the secondary safety in a clockwise motion. The use and design of the secondary safety is to keep the rifle from firing by not permitting the hammer to strike the igniter. When the safety is turned in a counter-clockwise motion until it stops, it is in the fire position. Both safeties must be in the fire position to fire the rifle.
Patented Double Safety System
WARNING: Be sure rifle is not loaded or primed before disassembly or assembly.
Study the rifle schematic and acquaint yourself with the different parts and terminology of your muzzleloader before assembling or disassembling. Letters and numbers in parentheses refer to labels on each rifle schematic for each model.
It is advisable to use a padded vise to remove and reinstall the breech plug. Place small parts in a pan to avoid losing them.
Bolt Action and Safety System Disassembly
1.) Remove the ramrod (O) from the stock and set aside.
2.) (DISC Extreme™, Mountaineer™ Only) Remove the barreled action from the stock. The barreled action is held in the stock with one stock screw. It is located just
forward of the trigger guard (W). Remove this screw and carefully separate the
barrel assembly from the stock. Set the stock aside.
(Long Range Hunter™ Only) Remove the barreled action from the stock. The barreled action is held in the stock with two stock screws. One (S14) located just forward of the trigger guard (W) and the other (S15) behind and part of the trigger guard (W). The second stock screw releases the tension of the “C” clip (CC1) hold on the rear of the receiver. Remove these screws and carefully separate the barrel assembly from the stock and “C” clip. Set the stock aside
3.) Remove the trigger assembly. Remove the trigger mounting screw (S7), and lift the trigger assembly from the receiver. Remove the bolt. Lift the bolt handle up, pull open the quick release detent screw that holds the bolt in place from the left side of the receiver, and pull the bolt out.
4.) Remove the breech plug. Insert the combo tool (breech plug wrench side) into the receiver, engage the breech plug (I) and turn it counterclockwise. This may require a considerable amount of force. (Holes in the combo tool allow a rod to be used for added leverage.)
Bolt Action and Safety System Assembly
1.) Install the breech plug. Fill the threads of the plug with Knight® Breech Plug Grease™ to help prevent the breach plug sticking in the receiver. Using the breech plug end of the combo tool, insert the breech plug (I) into the rear of the receiver and hand tighten the plug into the receiver until it is firmly against the back of the barrel. Be sure the breech plug is screwed all the way into the receiver. Do not over tighten the plug or it will become difficult to remove.
2.) Install the trigger. Using the trigger mounting screw (S7), mount the trigger assembly (Q) to the receiver. Tighten until the trigger assembly is firm against the receiver. Make sure it is aligned with the receiver.
3.) Install the bolt. While pulling and holding open the quick detach bolt release button (left side of the receiver), slide the bolt all the way into the receiver. Let the release button close. Work the bolt down to the closed position.
4.) (Long Range Hunter™ Only) Install the barrel by first sliding the rear of the receiver into the “C” clip (CC1) and rocking the barrel into the stock. Replace and tighten both stock screws (S14 & S15). Install the ramrod (O).
DISC C-Toolless Bolt Removal and Disassembly
When you are ready to remove and clean your Bolt Action, follow this procedure to avoid misalignment problems.
1.) With the rifle bolt handle in the up position, while pulling out on the spring loaded Quick Release bolt screw (Photo #1), pull the bolt out of the receiver.
2.) Turn the secondary safety clockwise until the cocking piece is drawn up against the front edge of secondary safety. (Photo #2)
3.) Unscrew the striker assembly counterclockwise, until it is free from the bolt body. (Further disassembly is not required; doing so may result in your having to send the bolt back to be reassembled.)
4.) Clean and oil as necessary.
5.) To assemble, thread the striker assembly clockwise into the bolt body. Do not apply any pressure after the threading reaches the end. Do not tighten the striker against the bolt housing.
6.) When the striker assembly reaches the end of the threads, turn it counterclockwise, until reference points are aligned with each other. Hold your thumb against the bolt (this will help allow you to keep the bolt body striker assembly aligned correctly) then
unscrew the secondary safety until there is no more pressure. If the assembly is not aligned, repeat steps 2, 3, 5, and 6.
7.) While pulling out on the spring-loaded Quick Release™ bolt screw (Photo #1), slide the bolt all the way back into the receiver. Release the bolt screw. Make sure the trigger and secondary safeties are both in the safe position. Close the bolt handle.
8.) The rifle is now in the cocked position with both safeties on.
209 Conversion Non-Full Plastic Jacket Breech Plugs
The DISC Extreme™ and Long Range Hunter™ can be converted to use 209 primers with out the DISC Full Plastic Jacket™.
1.) Remove old breech plug from rifle.
2.) Generously grease new breech plug with breech plug grease.
3.) Insert new breech plug utilizing existing combo tool.
4.) Place enclosed adaptor in bolt body as shown in figure below:
Mountaineer Bolt Bare Primer
The Mountaineer bare primer bolt loads a
primer directly into the bolt. When the primer
is placed, the bolt automatically lines up the
primer to the breech plug. The bolt, when locked
down, will tighten the primer into the breech
(Picture of primer installed in bolt)
That about does it! If you have any questions or concerns or looking for more information please feel free to contact our very knowledgeable staff by emailing sales@knightrifles.com
Thanks for reading, happy hunting everyone!
Have Questions?
If you have questions about our Bolt Action and Safety System, please email us at sales@knightrifles.com.