
During the Oklahoma Muzzleloader Hunting Season, muzzleloading rifles, muzzleloading shotguns or muzzleloading pistols must be: .40 caliber or larger rifle or pistol, or 20-gauge or larger shotgun, firing a single slug or ball that is loaded from the muzzle.

Oklahoma Muzzleloader Hunting Season 2024-2025

ArcheryOct. 1 – Jan. 15Oct. 1 – 20Oct. 1 – 14
Youth GunOct. 18 – 20N/AN/A
MuzzleloaderOct. 26 – Nov. 3Oct. 26 – Nov. 3N/A
GunNov. 23 – Dec. 8N/ADrawing Only
Holiday AntlerlessDec. 18 – 31N/AN/A
Updated as of 2024-2025 Hunting Season

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Oklahoma Muzzleloader Regulation

Landowner Antelope Drawing Results

With more than 12 different eco-regions across the state, Oklahoma offers one of the most diverse collections of wildlife species in the nation. Oklahoma’s muzzleloader season is a great opportunity for black powder rifle enthusiasts to hunt big game such as deer and turkey. Getting out there early in the season ensures you’ll get a chance to hunt the game before they are spooked by all the hunters and guns from the other hunting seasons.

This information is subject to change, for more information visit: http://www.wildlifedepartment.com/

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