Welcome to Knight – Care and Cleaning
In part two of Welcome to Knight Series we will be discussing some proper care and cleaning techniques to ensure that your Knight Rifle stays pristine and in working order. Keeping up with your muzzleloader will guarantee that you have a rifle that will last and can be handed down for generations to come. Now on to Welcome to Knight – Care and Cleaning!
Always clean and lubricate your muzzleloader after each day’s shooting. A muzzleloader must be free of rust, dirt, grease, and powder residue to function safely and reliably. Careful maintenance, which includes inspection of all components to determine if they are in proper working order, is absolutely essential. Muzzleloaders use Black Powder FFg and industry approved black powder substitutes that are highly corrosive, and when fired will deposit corrosive particles and residue in the bore, breech plug, hammer, receiver, trigger and other parts of the rifle.
Rifle grade stainless steel is more rust and corrosion resistant than blued steel, but it is not rust proof. To insure your stainless steel rifle remains in superior condition, clean, oil, and store it in the same manner as a blued steel rifle.
Basic Cleaning Equipment Needed:
- Ramrod with Bore Brush (Fiber or Brass)
- Cleaning Jag
- Cleaning Patches
- Powder Solvent
- Breech Plug Grease
- Water Displacing Oil
- Small Lint-Free Cloths
- Pipe Cleaners
- Toothbrush
WARNING: Before cleaning, be certain that the rifle is unloaded and that no primer is in the receiver. Cleaning a loaded or primed rifle may result in accidental discharge.
Instructions for Cleaning
1.) Disassemble your rifle as described in your specific model’s section of this manual. Take care to put all small parts and similar components in a tray.
2.) Clean rifle with soap and water or an approved solvent. Do not use soaps with chlorides, lye, or bleach in them; the chemicals may remove blueing on your barrel.
3.) Clean your rifle from the breech end. Place your breech plug and hammer in hot soapy water of Knight® Solvent™. Do not use water to clean triggers for DISC Extreme™, Long Range Hunter™, Mountaineer™, Bighorn™, Littlehorn™, and TK2000™. Only a solvent should be used to clean these Knight Rifles. Clean with appropriate material and lubricate sear. Don’t allow barreled action and other rifle parts to soak in soapy water or solvents for extended periods.
4.) Use a Knight® Ultimate Range Rod™ or a ramrod with a Knight® Bullet Starter™ handle and an attached cleaning jag. With the muzzle still in the hot soapy water, place a patch over the rear of the receiver and push into the barrel. Scrub the bore vigorously to completely remove all foreign matter, powder residue, and fouling. Repeat this as many times as necessary to get a clean bore.
5.) Thoroughly scrub and clean the breech plug threads in the receiver. A toothbrush, bottle brush, or bullet starter with adapter and 20 gauge shotgun brush work well for this task.
6.) Using a toothbrush or pipe cleaner, thoroughly clean the receiver, hammer, breech plug, trigger and other components of all residues, fouling, etc.
7.) Thoroughly dry all metal surfaces and generously lubricate your rifle inside and out using Knight® Oil™ with rust inhibitor.
8.) Reassemble your muzzleloader according to the instructions in your model’s section of this manual.
Next week in part three of the Welcome to Knight Series we will discuss loading and proper firing techniques.
Happy hunting!